ADULT TENNIS Hitting Drills&Games
Adult tennis drills and games has become a worldwide, fun group activity for adults featuring tennis drills to give players of ALL abilities an ultimate, high-energy workout while improving their tennis ability. The session includes a warmup, hitting drill technique sequence, and group games/match play to end each session. This program will elevate a person’s heart rate into the aerobic zone and burn some calories too! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! The instructor will accommodate all ability levels – this includes beginners! New and previous participants will walk away with increased knowledge of the game of tennis. If you are looking for a great way to get in shape, burn some calories, meet new people, and hit live tennis balls, just give this a try already!
Sessions: Cost is $85 for 11 Wednesday nights!
Wednesday Session: 7:10-8:00PM @East HS
Starts May 21st-August6th led by Adam Doll and Madden Vanderwerf
*NO class July 2nd