Please fill out the appropriate registration form, by clicking the link below. These prices include: Camp T-shirt, 5 weeks of practice, registration for 4 Wednesday match days a 2 day end-of-season tournament, AND cost covers entry into GMCTA Riverbend July Tournament. We understand summer can be chaotic, all these dates are optional. Players will get out of the program what they put into it!
All Youth JTT registrations can take $10 off IF paying by cash or check! Follow directions during online registration where payment should be mailed to receive a discount!
18U Team Tennis
13s-15s Team Tennis
12U Team Tennis
Adult Hitting Drills & Games
Private Lesson’s (6 Pack) email Coach Doll to setup!
Semi-Private Lesson’s (6 Pack) email Coach Doll to setup!
GMCTA Summer JTT Scholarship Deadline TBD: GMCTA Scholarship and Information
These prices include: Camp T-shirt, 5 weeks of practice, registration for 4 Wednesday match days a 2 day end-of-season tournament, AND cost covers entry into all GMCTA Riverbend Events.
12 and Under Team Tennis – $199
Practices are run each day Monday thru Thursday in June and July. This group practices from 8-9AM. This group will develop live volley skills and eventually gain the ability to play matches as early as the end of June! Need based scholarships are available, please contact one of the coaches for more information.
13-15s Team Tennis – $254
Practices are run each day Monday thru Thursday in June and July. This group practices from 12:30-2:00 and will get players strategically formulate a point using their strengths and attacking opponents weaknesses. Need based scholarships are available, please contact one of the coaches for more information.
18 and Under Varsity League Team Tennis – $304
Player played at least half of teams varsity matches this past season to be part of this program. We will focus on more advanced/detailed drills, strokes and the deeper STRATEGIES of tennis. Practices are run each day 9:00-11:00 Monday thru Thursday in June and July. Need based scholarships are available, please contact one of the coaches for more information.
18 and Under JV Team Tennis – $254
This group is for JV players allowing for a faster improvement in fundamental strokes needed to make the step to Varsity. Practices are run each day 11:00-12:30 Monday thru Thursday in June and July. Need based scholarships are available, please contact one of the coaches for more information.
Private Lessons – Usually 1-2 per week – $Varies by instructor
You have asked for it, now you have it. The Directors will be teaching these lessons, along with members of the summer staff. If you would like more than 1 lesson per week, just notify your instructor.
The coaches will create a lesson plan of games, drills, and instruction that he sees fit for your level. You can also customize your lesson. Just let the coaches know what you are looking for! Your private lessons can include any, all or a combination of the following:
- Drills
- Movement exercises
- Match play
- Stroke analysis and evaluation; an objective assessment
- Weakness identification and improvement; with a “fundamentals” approach
- Stroke development; technique, theory, and practice
- Strategic development; the psychological side of tennis
- Muscle memory exercise
- Advanced hitting practice
- Special request topics
Semi-Private (4 in a group) Lessons – 4 players = $380 ($95 per player – 6 1/hr lessons)
These sessions are for those that would like extra tennis and some extra attention from team tennis groups. The Directors and their staff will create a lesson plan of games, drills, and instruction that we see fit for your level. You can also customize your lesson. Just let the Coaches know what you are looking for!
Adult Hitting Drills & Games